Dr. Hayford Baah-Adade – Project Coordinator

Dr. Baah-Adade is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA Ghana) and holds Doctorate in Business Administration with his research focusing on Project Management in the Public Sector. He has progressive and diverse experience in Public Sector Financial Management, Project Management and General Administration in both private and public sector organizations.


 Within the past 32 years, Dr. Baah-Adade has progressively gained immense technical and managerial experience in the management of Public Sector Projects and Finance function. His in-depth knowledge in Public Sector Project Management and Financial management skills placed him to effectively manage and/or resolve organizational challenges in both the private and public sector organizations. 


Dr Baah-Adade has been working as a Financial Management Expert for over twenty (20) different public sector projects in government Ministries which were financed by various development partners including EU, the World Bank, CIDA, KFW, DANIDA, IMF, Global Fund, IFAD, AfDB, USAID, IFAD among others.  He has also been the Project Director for two major Government of Ghana priority projects in the Public Sector namely; the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System Project (GIFMIS) and Public Financial Management Reform Project (PFMRP). He is a team player, disciplined, hardworking and always want to impart knowledge to subordinates.